Connect Our Elders-"Empowering Aging"

Ryan McEniff, Owner of Minute Women Home Care and WellAware Care

Sarah Barker

Ryan McEniff is the Owner of Minute Women Home Care and WellAware Care,
host of the Caregiver's Toolbox Podcast, and Board Member of the National Aging In Place Council.

Minute Women is a private home care agency & WellAware Care is a SaaS company that provides fall detection and remote monitoring.

We will be discussing where he sees home care going, how will home care intersect with technology, how he got involved with WellAware Care and Minute Women, what is the National Aging In Place Council and why he decided to become involved.

Big thank you to the Connect Our Elders “Empowering Aging” Podcast Sponsor Retirement Genius, Chris Orestis, CSA